Avoid Knee Surgery: 7 Ways to Support Knee Strength

Avoid Knee Surgery: 7 Ways to Support Knee Strength

You can do more than thank your lucky stars if you’ve ever hiked, jogged, or walked a very far distance. Protecting your knees as you age is essential. With these tips, you’ll learn ways to strengthen the knees and live a healthier life. As the largest...
Headache Hacks: 7 Simple Tips for Fast Relief

Headache Hacks: 7 Simple Tips for Fast Relief

In today’s chaotic world, busy schedules may be to blame for recurring headaches. Sometimes resulting from medical conditions, but often, they’re simply the result of dehydration, staying up late, or just overdoing it during Crossfit. While there’s...
What is Causing Your Joint Pain?

What is Causing Your Joint Pain?

Have you ever started to experience joint pain and wondered what exactly is causing it? We see many patients for joint pain in our office in Dallas and this is a question that we have to answer quite frequently. There can be many joint pain causes and it is a fairly...
Cold Weather Exercises for Joint Pain Relief

Cold Weather Exercises for Joint Pain Relief

The colder weather can definitely make all of us want to bundle up on the couch with a nice blanket and stay in our homes. This can especially be true for those who suffer from joint pain. Your pains can seem to be at an all time high during the winter months....
Keeping Away Holiday Headaches

Keeping Away Holiday Headaches

For a non-migraine sufferer the holidays can be a time of year that can definitely make your head pound. Trying to cook meals for our families, dealing with visitors, shopping for presents, there is so much going on. It can be full of stress, lack of sleep, poor diet,...
How is Cold Weather Affecting Your Arthritis Pain?

How is Cold Weather Affecting Your Arthritis Pain?

Winter is upon us, and for those who suffer from joint pain that can mean even more discomfort. While many people blame their increased aches and pains on the cold weather, it is actually due to changes in the barometric pressure. When there are sudden drops in the...